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Using Qualitative Self-Evaluation in Rating Physician Performance

Steven C. Flood

Because of the nature of a doctor's work, self-evaluation can provide insights that performance evaluation generally doesn't offer.

Rural Practice and Managed Care: A Success Story

Robert J. Ranney

These family physicians have found a way to gain the leverage needed to manage managed care.

The Managed Care Transition: Touching All the Bases

Kenneth G. Davis

As his multispecialty group ushered in change, the author found that life imitates baseball.

Readers Speak Out on Solo Practice

Brandi White

You'd have to be crazy to fly solo these days, right? See what your peers had to say.


Have You Visited FPM Online Lately?

Robert L. Edsall

If you haven't stopped by our web site recently, you're missing a good resource. You may not be aware that, for a year now, we've been posting the full text of every FPM article and not even charging for access the way some journals do. Our aim is to make FPM as useful to you...


Freedom and power for salaried docs

William J. Epperson

Pack rats wanted

Resources for the doctor-patient relationship

CPR isn't what it used to be

William M. Fuchs



Kent J. Moore

Documentation Guidelines Likely to Change | Billing for NP Services: What You Need to Know



Managed care reform remains high on state legislative agendas | Match numbers drop for primary care


Five Steps to Recovering Flood-Damaged Records

Leigh Ann Henry

Blame it on El Niño, Mother Nature — even managed care, if you prefer. Whatever its cause, the harsh weather that continues to plague much of the country makes the topic of salvaging water-damaged materials timely. The following tips come from Kay Myrtle, regional manager of...

Accessibility Is the Key

Wanda Kelsey-Mendez

Your office hours are a powerful marketing tool. Accessibility is high on the list of factors that attract patients to a particular practice.


The Race to Integrate

Vertical integration, in which multiple health care providers and services join together as one system, is not simply a new wave in health care; it's a tsunami. Hospitals, in their rush to integrate, have been capturing physician practices at a remarkable pace. Between 1993...


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