Seven Ways to Help Your Hospital Stay in Business
Kathryn Stewart
Your inpatient care decisions could make or break your local hospital.
Kathryn Stewart
Your inpatient care decisions could make or break your local hospital.
Paul D. Smith
This residency’s implementation plan succeeded by leaving as little as possible to chance.
David R. Dearden
Vague contract language makes it tough – but not impossible – to make your case.
Robert D. Gillette
Patients who keep coming back often require physicians to walk the line between diagnosis and judgment.
Robert L. Edsall
In the old days of managed care, say 10 years ago, we heard a lot about aligning incentives. Incentive alignment was, for some, the holy grail. In essence, the idea was to pay physicians and hospitals and other providers in such a way that they all did the best financially...
Kent J. Moore
There’s a movement afoot to radically alter the way you choose the level of service of E/M codes.
Kent J. Moore
Documenting observation and admission | Defining an E/M service | NDC numbers on claims | Pharmacologic management | Mini Mental Status Exam
Supreme Court affirms “any willing provider” law | PRACTICE PEARLS from here and there | PRACTICE PEARLS from here and there | Family practice match numbers continue to decline | Doctors, hospitals try new response to medical errors | Help with HIPAA | Managing long waits |...
Suzanne Houck, Charles Kilo, John C. Scott
Group visits can improve patient care and relieve you from the treadmill of office practice. Here’s how to get started.
Matt Lewis
Personal digital assistants are the perfect solution for bringing evidence-based medicine to the point of care.
John Giannone, Kent J. Moore, Alice Gosfield, Thomas J. Weida
Transition to open access | Medicare Secondary Payer forms | Billing for temporary physicians | Documentation forms for preventive exams
Pamela J. Vaccaro
Focusing your attention is the key to getting more done.
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