The Outcomes of Open-Access Scheduling
C. Dennis O’Hare, John Corlett
Good things happen when patients are seen "today" by their own physicians.
C. Dennis O’Hare, John Corlett
Good things happen when patients are seen "today" by their own physicians.
Alice G. Gosfield
Find out whether one or more of the many exceptions to the Stark statute apply to you
Brandi White
Finding the evidence you need is getting easier than you ever thought possible.
Matt Lewis
A wireless network can give you the freedom to access your EMR on a laptop, PDA or tablet PC.
Robert L. Edsall
EBM may be ready for the real world of practice, but is the world ready for it?
Betsy Nicoletti
These six tips make coding for observation services easier and more productive.
Kent J. Moore
Preventive & E/M services at a new patient visit | Screening fecal occult | Time-based coding | Desferal injection | Same-day hospital-to-hospital transfer | Replacing a PEG tube
Physicians' reimbursement claims face greater scrutiny | "Rational rationing" would improve quality, cut costs | PRACTICE PEARLS from here and there | PRACTICE PEARLS from here and there | New CPT code for online consultations | Malpractice premiums | Choosing a...
Mark H. Ebell
This evidence-based encounter form will help you rule in or rule out PE.
Alice G. Gosfield, Todd A. Rodriguez, Alice G. Gosfield, Jeffrey B. Miller, Michael R. Burke, null Esq.
HIPAA authorizations | Documenting sick-leave excuses | Credentialing delays
Frances Spickerman
These pointers will help you stand your ground with patients who don’t want to take “no” for an answer.
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