Making Medicare Wellness Visits Work in Practice
Arnold E. Cuenca
Taking a systematic, team-based approach can make these services valuable for physicians and patients.
Arnold E. Cuenca
Taking a systematic, team-based approach can make these services valuable for physicians and patients.
Stanley Borg
With commercials for “free” equipment and supplies running daily, you need to be ready to respond when a patient requests a prescription.
Elizabeth E. Stewart, Douglas Fernald, Elizabeth W. Staton
This simple strategy may save time and increase awareness of care guidelines.
Paula Eaton
Three principles helped this small primary care practice conquer the dreaded inbox and its mountain of messages.
Debra Seyfried, Kent Moore
Smoking cessation | Subsequent observation care | Medicare annual wellness visit eligibility | Definition of “new patient”
Nathan Hitzeman, Steven Waldren
Use discretion with drug expiration dates | Review E/M coding patterns | Who gets to keep the EHR incentive checks?
Elizabeth Rose Cochran Ward
If your initial reaction isn't positive, hang in there. You're not alone.
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