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Reviewers' Guide

How to Review for American Family Physician

1. Register: Go to AFP's Editorial Manager website and register as a first-time user. Please ensure that your profile is as comprehensive as possible and that you select all Personal Classifications that align with topics you would like to review. This allows you to appear in our database searches and helps us pair you with manuscripts that best fit your areas of interest/expertise.

2. Conflict of Interest: When assigned a topic, look for possible conflicts of interest prior to accepting. If you have either of the following, please check with our editorial office at afpjournal@aafp.org before doing your review. 

3. Standards: We depend on your help in making this manuscript an up-to-date, high-quality presentation on the topic. Please look for any of the following:

  • Errors of commission: Are any of the facts incorrect?
  • Errors of omission: Is there important information missing?
  • New developments, references, or tables/figures that should be added?
  • Imbalance to the presentation—evidence of bias?
  • Problem with clarity—do not worry about grammar or wording unless unclear

How to Do an Effective Peer Review

The accompanying PowerPoint slide presentation is also available. 

4. Comments: The comments you provide are the key to the quality of AFP. Comments should be according to the following:

  • As specific as possible
  • Focused on improving presentation
  • Balanced—Comment on weaknesses, but mention strengths 
  • Comments to Editor—Separate comments to the editor can be helpful to discuss sensitive issues such as inappropriate bias or plagiarism concerns. Editors review all author comments, so don’t repeat them.

5. Example: To give you an idea of what reviews for AFP look like, please download the sample reviews. These three peer reviews include strong and weak reviews and a short explanation of each. 


Resources: If you are interested in more information about reviewing, see the resources for articles and online courses that are available. 


Previous Reviewers: Click here to find lists of previous AFP reviewers by year.