• Student and Resident Leadership Opportunities

    The American Academy of Family Physicians highly values the contributions made by family medicine residents and medical students and recognizes the importance of training future leaders of medicine. It is one of the few specialty organizations to actively enlist resident and student members in leadership roles.

    General Information

    How will I benefit from this involvement?

    Among other things, you have the opportunity to:

    • Network with family physicians from across the country
    • Attend AAFP FUTURE, the National Conference for the FUTURE of Family Medicine
    • Participate in the discussion of issues key to health care delivery and to family medicine
    • Learn more about topics of special interest
    • Cultivate organizational and communication skills
    • Spend time with other resident and student leaders who share common interests and concerns

    Are there special requirements for positions?

    • You must be a current AAFP member to be elected or appointed to an AAFP position. See more details on how to apply.
    • Some positions require at least one year of experience in an AAFP position at the national level. Refer to the position descriptions for this information. The following are considered national level positions:

      • Member of the AAFP Board of Directors
      • Chair of the AAFP FUTURE
      • Delegate or Alternate Delegate to the Congress 
      • Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) Network National Coordinator
      • AAFP Commission member
      • Board member of the AAFP Foundation, the Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors, or the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

    What will it cost me to participate?

    You should not incur any expenses to attend required meetings. Residents and students elected or appointed to AAFP positions are reimbursed for transportation expenses and paid a per diem for meals, taxi, hotel and other travel expenses when on official authorized Academy business. Resident and student leaders are encouraged to complete their expense vouchers at the end of a meeting and return them to staff as soon as possible.

    Upon election or appointment, resident and student leaders receive detailed information about reimbursable expenses. Any amount reimbursed above actual expenses is considered taxable income. The AAFP submits a 1099 form to the IRS for the amounts paid. Those expenses for which documentation exists (hotel bill, meal receipts) can be deducted from the amount that is taxable.

    How much time is involved?

    You will be expected to attend all portions of assigned meetings, including AAFP FUTURE. Whenever possible, meetings are scheduled for weekends to minimize the number of days away from residency and school obligations. Check specific position descriptions for estimated meeting days.

    Work is also done through electronic communications. Members spend 2-4 hours per month on electronic work. You will receive information specific to your position after elected or appointed.

    Will my institution give me the time off to attend meetings?

    If you plan to run for an elected position or apply for an appointment, you must be confident that you will be granted the time off to attend required meetings.

    Residents should obtain a letter of recommendation from your residency program director. Students should have the medical school dean sign a special form (see AAFP Student Leadership Participation form in application section). There are also several steps that you can take to ensure support:

    • Know your institution’s attendance policies.
    • Find out if any of your classmates have served in AAFP positions.
    • Share information about the position you are seeking and the general meeting schedule with the appropriate individuals.
    • Explain what you hope to gain from the experience (eg, leadership development, advocacy, policy development).
    • Volunteer to present relevant information from AAFP meetings during a brown bag lunch, grand rounds, etc.


    For questions or application assistance, email us.

    2024 Application Timeline for Elections and Appointments

    Chapter Deadline Contact your AAFP constituent chapter (state chapter) immediately to find out your chapter’s process for supporting candidates for national leadership roles.
    July 25, 2024 Preferred deadline for submission of candidate materials (application,  letters of support) for positions elected at the AAFP National Conference.
    August 1-3, 2024 AAFP National Conference in Kansas City, MO.
    August 9, 2024 Deadline for submission of applications for the Annals of Family Medicine Editorial Board positions and American Medical Association (AMA) positions.
    September 6, 2024 Deadline for chapters to submit resident/student commission applications and support materials to AAFP. 
    Deadline for submission of applications for FMIG Network Regional Coordinator, Student Liaison to the Student National Medical Association, Student Liaison to the Latino Medical Student Association, Student Member to FamMedPAC Board of Directors, and the American Family Physician Editorial Board.
    October 2024 AMA representatives and Annals of Family Medicine representatives are selected.
    November 2024 All other position appointments are made.

    What Are AAFP Student and Resident Leaders Up To?

    Read the 2024 annual reports from elected and appointed student and resident leaders to hear accounts of what business was conducted during their term.