• How to Apply

    Are You Eligible?

    The application process for AAFP and family medicine leadership positions starts with reviewing the eligibility requirements and responsibilities of the various positions available to students and residents, and making sure you qualify and have an interest in one or more positions. You should then contact your AAFP chapter (such as your state Academy of Family Physicians) to express interest and inquire about any additional processes, requirements, or support required or provided by your state.

    Running for office at National Conference?

    Review this Candidate Fact Sheet for details and helpful information.

    Start Preparing

    Next, you should start preparing and requesting the application components, which include:

    1. Your curriculum vitae
    2. A letter of interest
    3. A letter of support from your program director for resident positions or medical school faculty for student positions
    4. A chapter support form completed by your AAFP state or constituent chapter (available in the application summary section of the position for which you are applying)
    5. Form completed by your medical school dean’s office acknowledging your good standing and institutional support for this leadership opportunity (students only)
    6. Completed conflict of interest online form

    Applications and all components will be managed through the AAFP’s online application system. Applicants can identify letter writers in the system, which will send an email to letter writers when it is time to submit their letter(s). Please ask letter writers to prepare for this ahead of time and let them know they can expect an email from the application system when it is time to submit the letter.

    Some leadership positions are elected at the AAFP National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students. To run for one of these positions, you must attend the AAFP National Conference, be nominated for the position at either the Resident or Student Congress business sessions (National Congress of Family Medicine Residents or National Congress of Student Members), deliver a brief speech, and be prepared for a potential question-and-answer session. Review this Candidate Fact Sheet for details and helpful information. Leadership positions that are elected at National Conference include:

    • AAFP Board of Directors
    • Chair of the AAFP National Conference
    • Alternate/Delegate to the AAFP Congress of Delegates
    • FMIG Network National Coordinator
    • STFM Board of Directors
    • AAFP Foundation Board of Trustees
    • AFMRD Board of Directors

    How do I prepare my curriculum vitae (CV)?

    There are many different formats for curriculum vitae. The purpose of a CV is to provide a succinct summary of your professional career. A good CV will concisely convey to a reviewer the breadth and depth of your experiences, training and interest. It need not include every area of interest. To a certain extent, a CV is written for and tailored to the position for which you are applying. Use your best judgment to determine if the items included in your CV add to your candidacy for the position in question. Keep in mind that, for purposes of this process, your CV must be limited to one page front and back.

    What do I include in a letter of interest?

    The purpose of a letter of interest is to help the reviewer. A letter of interest should convey a sense of your personality, personal integrity, knowledge of the position and your writing skills. At the very least, your letter of interest should express your enthusiasm for the position. Your letter should convey a sense of your (1) personality, (2) personal integrity, (3) level of interest in family medicine, (4) knowledge of and enthusiasm for the position, and (5) communication skills.

    How do I obtain support from my AAFP state or constituent chapter?

    Members of the AAFP are also members of their local constituent chapters affiliated with the AAFP. For most, your chapter will be your state’s Academy of Family Physicians. Because our organizations are affiliated, we encourage chapter input in the selection process for national leadership positions. Your chapter will have the opportunity to indicate whether you’ve been involved at the state level and any experiences you’ve had with the chapter, as well as to express support for your candidacy. If you aren’t already connected with staff or members from your chapter, contact them right away to discuss your interest in the position. 

    We recognize that it may be awkward to ask for support from someone who doesn't know you. We strongly encourage you to make some personal contact with the chapter staff executive. If you were known to the chapter executive in your previous state of residence, it may be very helpful to request that individual contact your new chapter executive to encourage consideration of your candidacy.

    Why is it important to obtain a letter of recommendation from the residency program director, recognition from the dean’s office, and a letter from a pre-doctoral director or other knowledgeable faculty?

    Letters from these sources provide an assessment of your qualifications and potential. More importantly, requiring this communication helps to ensure that the issue of time away from your program or school has been discussed.
    In making your request for letters of recommendation or completion of the special dean’s form, it is helpful to include specific information about the position you are seeking and how this opportunity relates to your education. It is also worth noting how you plan to share information gathered from meetings (e.g., volunteer to present during a brown bag lunch, grand rounds, etc.). Letters of recommendation must be on the institution’s letterhead.