• Resident Member of the FamMedPAC Board of Directors

    The application cycle for this position is closed. All applicants will be notified by October 31, 2024. Applications for this position are reviewed by the FamMedPAC Board of Directors and appointed by the AAFP Board of Directors. Applications will open again Spring 2025.

    FamMedPAC is the American Academy of Family Physicians’ federal political action committee. Its purpose is to help elect candidates to the U.S. Congress who support the AAFP’s legislative goals and objectives.

    There is one position on the Board of Directors for a student or resident representative. The student/resident Board member shall be appointed for a single two-year term. The student/resident Board member’s term of office will commence at the first meeting of the FamMedPAC Advisory Board that takes place in the first year of the two-year Congressional election cycle and shall end in December of the final year of the cycle.


    Term: January 1, 2025-December 31, 2026

    • Solicitation of New PAC Donors: FamMedPAC Advisory Board members are expected to help bring in new donors to the PAC each year.
    • Attendance/Participation at FamMedPAC Advisory Board Meetings and Conference Calls: FamMedPAC Advisory Board members are expected to attend all FamMedPAC Advisory Board meetings and participate in all FamMedPAC Advisory Board conference calls. The FamMedPAC Advisory Board meets face-to-face twice a year: a one-day meeting in January/February and Thursday morning during FMX. FamMedPAC Advisory Board business is also conducted via e-mail and conference calls as needed. If a FamMedPAC Advisory Board member misses two consecutive meetings or conference calls, that FamMedPAC Advisory Board member may be asked to step down.
    • Promotion of FamMedPAC at Chapter and Regional Meetings: FamMedPAC Advisory Board members are asked to speak at meetings of their Constituent Chapter on behalf of the PAC and to provide PAC solicitation materials to attendees at those meetings.
    • Approval of Campaign Contributions: FamMedPAC Advisory Board members approve all contributions to candidates made by the PAC. A list of requested contributions is prepared by PAC staff and presented to the FamMedPAC Advisory Board for approval each year. Requests for additional contributions are presented to the FamMedPAC Advisory Board for approval by e-mail ballot as they arise.

    Focus: Politics and advocacy

    Application Summary

    Application details: Letters and forms can be uploaded or requested through the online application system. All materials must be received by the AAFP by the stated application deadline. For detailed information on application materials, visit the How to Apply page. Once you're ready to begin your application, click the Apply Now button on the sidebar of this page. The application system allows users to save and return to their application before submitting it. Please note: it is important to connect with your local AAFP chapter as soon as possible to express your interest in this position. 

    Additional details: Contributions to FamMedPAC are for political purposes. Contributions to FamMedPAC are purely voluntary and suggested contribution amounts are only guidelines. You will not be favored or disadvantaged by reason of the amount of your contribution or a decision not to contribute. Contributions to FamMedPAC are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

    Required elements of the application include:

    • Completed application form
    • Letter or video describing interest/intent in the position
    • Letter of support from your program director
    • Support form completed by your AAFP chapter (state or constituent chapter)
    • Completed conflict of interest disclosure
    • Photo

    Meet Current Resident Leaders

    Read Annual Reports

    Questions? Contact AAFP leadership staff at getinvolved@aafp.org.

    Eligibility Criteria

    • The student/resident FamMedPAC Advisory Board member must be a member in good standing of the AAFP and must be either (1) a rising 4th-year medical student, (2) a rising PGY1 family medicine resident, or (3) a rising PGY2 family medicine resident.
    • Contributions to FamMedPAC: Applicants must have contributed to FamMedPAC within the year prior to applying for the PAC Board seat.
    • Term of Office:  The student/resident Board member shall be appointed for a single two (2) year term. The student/resident Board member’s term of office will commence at the first meeting of the FamMedPAC Advisory Board that takes place in the first year of the two-year Congressional election cycle and shall end in December of the final year of the cycle.

    Time commitment away from residency: Light to moderate, 3 - 7 days

    Travel: Yes

    Funding: All travel expenses are covered and Board members receive a per-diem to cover lodging and meals.

    Meeting Schedule

    Family Medicine Advocacy Summit May 2025 (TBA) Washington, DC
    AAFP National Conference  July 31-August 2, 2025 Kansas City, MO
    Family Medicine Advocacy Summit May 2026 (TBA) TBD
    AAFP National Conference  July 30 – Aug 1, 2026 Kansas City, MO