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  • Resident AAFP Leaders

    Elected and Appointed Positions

    Residents make significant contributions to family medicine as members of the wide variety of boards, commissions, and inter-organizational teams that shape the AAFP. Experience in a leadership role provides valuable career insight and unique mentorship opportunities. 

    Most resident leadership positions serve for a one-year term, many beginning in the fall.

    As medical care and health care reform undergo pivotal changes, the voice of family medicine's next generation of physicians is critical in shaping a future that aligns with the core principles of primary care. Learn what drew current leaders to their roles and find out what they hope to achieve through their skills and passion for family medicine.


    Elected National AAFP Leaders

    Aerial Petty, DO
    New York Presbyterian Hospital (Columbia Campus) Program
    Resident Member of the AAFP Board of Directors

    Contact Dr. Petty

    In her role, Dr. Petty brings a resident perspective to high-level decision-making discussions of the AAFP Board of Directors. 

    "I hope to elevate the voices of my fellow residents, to engage them in advocacy, and to strengthen our grassroots approach to policy that family medicine residents are so well suited to. I aspire to show other residents that policy is not simply a necessary part of what we do in family medicine; it's a fun and rewarding aspect too. I hope to encourage more residents to see how policy is another way in which we're able to advocate for our patients, communities, and each other."

    Dr. Aerial Petty, Resident Delegate to the Congress of Delegates

    Jiayu "Kate" Tian, MD
    University of Vermont Medical Center Program
    Resident Chair of FUTURE

    Contact Dr. Tian

    In this role, Dr. Tian provides input into planning the theme, programming, and special activities for the upcoming FUTURE conference.

    "As Resident Chair of FUTURE, I want to maximize what residents can benefit from the conference through programming and expo. Additionally, I would like to get more residents excited about advocacy and to experience opportunities within the academy, including resolution writing, resident congress, and leadership roles!"

    Dr. Jiayu "Kate" Tian, Resident Representative of the AAFP Commission on Education

    Grace Kelly, MD
    University of Florida Family Medicine Residency Program
    Resident Alternate Delegate to the AAFP Congress of Delegates

    Contact Dr. Kelly

    In her role, Dr. Kelly represents resident member interests, as voted on by the National Congress of Medical Students, at the AAFP Congress of Delegates by following resolutions and issues pertinent to family medicine residents

    "I plan to elevate the resident voice as a present and future of Family Medicine and the voices of those historically under-represented in our field. Residents have a huge variety of experiences, and I am excited to learn about and advocate for a large variety of concerns. I am also very passionate about advocacy and hope to spread that enthusiasm to other residents."

    Grace Kelly, MD

    Tegan Noonan Koski, MD 
    Naval Hospital Jacksonville Program
    Resident Delegate to the Congress of Delegates

    Contact Dr. Koski

    In this role, Dr. Koski represents resident member interests at the AAFP Congress of Delegates and functions as a member of the AAFP Commission on Education.

    "In my leadership role with the AAFP, I hope to advocate for residents and students by fostering mentorship, inclusivity, and professional development opportunities. As a military mom and family medicine resident, I aim to create supportive spaces for others navigating demanding roles while showcasing the diverse impact of family medicine. I strive to empower others to engage in leadership and advocacy, growing alongside them as we strengthen our specialty."


    AAFP Commissions

    Ahmed Saleh, MD
    McLaren Health Care/Flint/MSU Program
    Resident Member of the Commission of Continuing Professional Development

    Contact Dr. Saleh

    Dr. Saleh’s role includes projects supporting oversight, planning, and evaluation of all AAFP-provided CME

    "I aim to advance high-quality, accessible education that empowers family physicians in providing top-notch patient care. I’m committed to supporting innovative learning that addresses evolving healthcare needs and fosters inclusivity across all career stages."

    Ahmed Saleh, MD

    Sheryl Fuehrer, MD
    Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science (Rochester) Program
    Commission on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    Contact Dr. Fuehrer

    In this role, Dr. Fuehrer will work to leverage diversity, equity, inclusiveness, and antiracism lenses to inform and guide AAFP recommendations, policies, and work addressing disparities in care, health, and workforce.

    "My interest and hope for this role is to contribute to the diversification of the physician workforce such that our primary care physicians better reflect the patients we care for. More specifically, I am passionate about creating strategies designed to reduce barriers to physician training for those raised in a lower socioeconomic context."

    Sheryl Fuehrer, MD

    Ciara Voy, MD, MS
    University of Arizona College of Medicine
    Resident Member of the AAFP Commission on Federal and State Policy

    Contact Dr. Voy

    As a representative of the AAFP's Commission on Federal and State Policy, the resident leader is involved in guiding the Academy's advocacy efforts before the federal government and to assist the constituent chapters in their advocacy efforts before state governments. 

    "I hope to serve my peers and patients by advocating for legislative and regulatory positions that preserve and strengthen family medicine and better meet the ever-growing demand for quality primary care. Family physicians belong on the forefront of public health’s and healthcare delivery’s modern challenges to reduce inequity and improve health outcomes for Americans. "

    Ciara Voy, MD MS

    Amy Vitalis Hoffman, MD
    Lancaster General Hospital Family Medicine 
    Resident Member of the AAFP Commission on Membership and Member Services

    Contact Dr. Hoffman

    Dr. Hoffman's role includes projects in areas such as recruitment, retention, value of membership, member services, life-stage career issues, special needs, awards, international membership, urban/rural membership issues, degree of fellow, special constituencies, National Conference of Special Constituencies planning and chapter relations, and leadership development. 

    "I'm proud to be a new family physician, and I am inspired by this generation's commitment to equity, passion for justice, and drive to improve health access for all. In this leadership role, I aim to faithfully represent the resident voice and advocate for the future of family medicine."

    Amy Vitalis Hoffman, MD

    Priyanka Kadari, MD
    John Peter Smith Hospital (Tarrant County Hospital District) Program
    Resident Member of the AAFP Commission on Quality and Practice

    Contact Dr. Kadari

    In this role, Dr. Kadari will work on projects related to administrative burden, health care delivery, and quality improvement, as well as serve as liaison to AAFP member interest groups.

    "I would like to understand the breadth of the AAFPs initiatives to achieve the quadruple aim: improving the patient experience, improving population health, reducing costs and improving the well-being of the healthcare team. To me, thats what the commission is about, and I want to bring more conversation around the role of data and integrated EHRs, price transparency, and alternative payment models in clinics and hospitals."

    Priyanka Kadari, MD

    Mako Wakabayashi, MD 
    Oregon Health and Sciences University Family Medicine
    Resident Member of the Commission on Education

    Contact Dr. Wakabayashi

    In this role, Dr. Wakabayashi supports the AAFP's strategic objective on education by supporting the lifelong learning of family physicians and other health care professionals as a member of the commission that guides the AAFP's accreditation and provision of continuing medical education.

    “As a resident member of COE, my goal is to ensure that the family medicine residents receive family medicine training that allows us to practice the broad-spectrum of family medicine to meet the need of our patients and communities and each resident’s career goal. I also hope to contribute to supporting and promoting student interest in family medicine."

    Mako Wakabayashi, MD


    Representatives and Liaisons to Other Organizations

    Garrett Knesse, MD
    University of California San Diego-FMRP
    Resident Delegate to the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates

    Contact Dr. Knesse

    Dr. Knesse represents AAFP resident interests at AMA meetings and interacts with AMA delegates from the AAFP.

    "After many years of working with the Academy as a student and Resident leader, stemming from work with the family medicine interest group National leadership, Congressional delegations, and Commission on Education involvement, I am ecstatic to take the leap into representation of Family Medicine residents on behalf of the AAFP as a delegate to the American Medical Association House of Delegates. I hope to use my role as a representative and cumulative experience working alongside the academy to voice the interest, concerns, and aspirations for Family Medicine as they integrate with Medical Society largely and organized medicine as a whole. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with your comments, concerns, and interests should you have them surrounding our business with the AMA delegation."

    Kelly Dougherty, MD 
    Mercy Hospital (St. Louis) Program
    Resident Member of the AAFP Foundation Board of Trustees

    Contact Dr. Dougherty

    In this role, Dr. Dougherty is involved with high-level decision making on a nonprofit board of trustees. 

    "I hope to continue to raise awareness about the incredible programs the Foundation offers to foster strong leaders and excellent patient care by Family Physicians. "

    Jantzen J. Faulkner, DO
    OSU Center for Health Sciences (Durant) Program
    Resident Member to the FamMedPAC Board of Directors

    Contact Dr. Faulkner

    In this role, Dr. Faulkner is involved with the FamMedPAC's purpose to help elect candidates to the U.S. Congress who support the AAFP’s legislative goals and objectives.

    "In my role, I hope to further the mission and goals of FamMedPAC in supporting legislators and health policy initiatives that protect the family medicine profession, promote community welfare, and provide quality healthcare to our patients. I seek to encourage medical students, residents, and practicing physicians to join me in making a difference on Capitol Hill."

    Paola Lepe-Chowdhury, MD
    Stanford Health Care-Sponspored Stanford University Program
    Resident Member to Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Residency Directors

    Contact Dr. Lepe-Chowdhury

    In this role, Dr. Lepe-Chowdhury is involved with high-level decision-making on a nonprofit board of trustees. 

    Paola Lepe-Chowdhury, MD

    Ijeoma Amanze, MD 
    Family Medicine Residency Program of LSU Health Shreveport
    Resident Member to the Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors

    Contact Dr. Amanze

    In this role, Dr. Amanze is to inform and provide a resident perspective to program directors on environmental issues impacting residents and their education.

    Ijeoma Amanze, MD


    AAFP Advisory and Program Boards

    Maria Bianchi-Rey, MD

    Resident Member of the AAFP Center for Global Health Initiatives

    Contact Dr. Bianchi-Rey

    "I aim to strengthen opportunities for resident and student engagement in global health, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing across diverse settings. I hope to inspire others to integrate global health perspectives into their practice, ultimately contributing to a more interconnected and equitable healthcare system."

    Maria Bianchi Rey, MD

    Spencer Dempsey, MD 

    Resident Member of the American Family Physician Journal

    Contact Dr. Dempsey

    "Working in collaboration with the Medical Student Member and the rest of the editorial board, I hope to provide actionable input to the AFP journal and social media outlets. I hope to continue advancing my medical and human knowledge and connect with physicians who share my goals for improved quality of life and well-being for everyone."

    Spencer Dempsey, MD

    Zachary P. Morehouse, DO, MS
    Carolinas Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program
    Resident Member of the Annals of Family Medicine Editorial Advisory Board

    Contact Dr. Morehouse

    "Primary care research serves a critical role in ensuring our patients and communities are receiving high-quality and evidence-based care. As a member of the Annals advisory board, I hope to use this position to support dissemination of that critical research, while also connecting with international leaders and innovators in primary care to highlight groundbreaking work done throughout the specialty. Family medicine doctors hold a key position as producers and consumers of primary care research, and through this position I am honored and excited to further my involvement within field."

    Zachary P. Morehouse, DO, MS