Grade your payers
Fam Pract Manag. 2007;14(9):11
I applaud your efforts to survey AAFP members regarding their interactions with insurance companies in “A Report Card for 32 Payers: Not Making the Grade” [June 2007]. I left private practice after 16 years and began working in an academic setting primarily because of these frustrations.
FPM is critical in keeping our primary care workforce on the front lines of health care. Until our nation recognizes the efforts of our family physicians, general internists and pediatricians, and pays them fairly, we will be at risk of losing a vital component of our health care team. And of course, we all understand what is lost when health care is fragmented and medical homes cease to exist.
Keep up the good work, and keep the pressure on the insurers to do the right thing. It's time we all get a little militant and transfer some of the pressure from us to the third parties!