Fam Pract Manag. 2007;14(9):41-42
Manage expectations and waiting time
Our clinic has implemented a process that helps make waiting in the exam room less unpleasant for our patients. On each exam room door, we hang a placard that says “check on me” on one side and “thank you” on the other. “Check on me” reminds the support staff or doctor to periodically notify patients of the wait time and ask if they have any needs. When the visit is complete, we turn the placard over to read “Thank you,” which reminds us to thank the patient for coming in and signals that the room is available for another patient.
Note pronunciation of patient names
When I see a patient with a first or last name that is difficult to pronounce or has a pronunciation that is not obvious from the spelling, I place a note in the summary section of the patient's chart with the name spelled phonetically and surrounded by quotation marks, e.g., Schoenfeld “Shenfeld.” Patients who have grown accustomed to having their names mispronounced are pleasantly surprised to be called back to the exam room or greeted on the telephone with the correct pronunciation. It's a small but significant way of showing respect to our patients.
Understand lease terms
Before you enter into a medical equipment leasing contract, be sure you understand all the associated costs, such as administrative fees, taxes and maintenance fees, and whether they are included in the lease payment. Read the end-of-term provisions carefully. Plan to obtain insurance that will cover the cost of the equipment if it is damaged, lost or stolen.
Offering vaccines in your office
Create a clear objective for your employees
Energy, enthusiasm and attention are greatest among employees when they are striving toward a single, clearly explained objective. If your practice sets too many goals, employee interest is spread too thin and the results may be disappointing. Choose a single goal and describe it well in terms that are both measurable and urgent, and explain the steps you plan to take to achieve it. This approach will contribute to your practice's success.
Develop a clear policy on personal computer use
A comprehensive policy on the personal use of workplace computers should be implemented to reduce lost productivity and liability risk in a practice.
A policy that prohibits all personal use can be difficult to enforce. Allowing reasonable usage and periodically monitoring employees' use of their computers is a more practical and successful approach.
Practices should develop a written policy which states that all content on the employer's computers is the property of the employer. The policy should authorize the practice to monitor, access and disseminate any messages or other information resulting from the employee's use of the computer. Employees should be required to sign the policy, and copies should be kept in their personnel files.
Keep good staff members on board
Your staff members have three basic needs that contribute to their job satisfaction: trust, hope and a sense of worth. Ensuring that these needs are met will reduce the chance that employees will leave your practice.
Try these strategies:
Physicians or leaders should work to gain staff members' trust by being open and honest in all communication, treating the staff well and providing accurate and timely compensation.
Make sure that staff members are aware of any opportunities for career advancement in your practice.
Recognize staff members' dedication to the success of the practice with thank you notes or staff appreciation activities.
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