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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in AFP

American Family Physician (AFP) is committed to enhancing our content and editorial processes to confront systemic racism and health inequities. Our entire editing team endorsed an action plan to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in AFP, and updates will be made on this site as these plans and projects evolve.

  • AFP collaborated with other family medicine publications in a joint statement describing our commitment and call to action to confront systemic racism and health disparities through content, editorial processes, and sharing resources. 
  • AFP editors strive to include and solicit content related to cultural competency, health equity, and systemic racism in health care.
  • AFP continually updates online collections of journal content related to cultural competency, health equity, and racism and promotes these collections in a variety of channels.
  • AFP reviews and updates our policies to ensure the use of inclusive language and eliminate words and phrases that reflect systemic biases.
  • AFP created the critical editorial role of Medical Editor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to support clinical content and curriculum.
  • AFP regularly convenes Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team meetings to collaborate with other journals and experts to inform and support its clinical content and curriculum.
  • AFP is developing goals to increase recruitment of authors, editors, and peer reviewers from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups.

The editors of several North American family medicine journals have come together to issue a call to action to confront systemic racism and eliminate health disparities to better serve patients and communities.


Content on Cultural Competency, Health Equity, and Racism

Issue Content

AFP Podcast

Discussion of Anti-Racism

Hosts Ramla N. Kasozi, MD, MPH, and James Smith MD, MPH, board certified family physicians and recent residency graduates, welcome special guest Renee Crichlow, MD, family medicine faculty and leader, for a discussion of anti-racism, building community, breaking down barriers for medical education and minoritized students and faculty, and the importance of a patron in your career. Drs. Kasozi and Smith share their own thoughts on racism and its role in the history of medical education, challenges for minoritized learners in medical education, and their 10 suggestions about what you can do right now. EXPLORE AFP PODCAST

Suggestions from Drs. Kasozi and Smith, AFP podcast hosts, about what to read, watch, and listen to.

Coates T-N. Between the World and Me. Spiegel and Grau; 2015.
Garrison CB. The lonely only: physician reflections on race, bias, and residency program leadership. Fam Med. 2019;51(1):59-60.
Grubbs V. Diversity, equity, and inclusion that matter. N Engl J Med. 2020;383(4):e25.
Kendi IX. How To Be an Antiracist. One World; 2019.
McIntosh P. White privilege: unpacking the invisible knapsack. July/August 1989. Accessed October 10, 2021. https://psychology.umbc.edu/files/2016/10/White-Privilege_McIntosh-1989.pdf
Wilkerson I. The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration. Vintage Books; 2011.
Wusu MH, Tepperberg S, Weinberg JM, et al. Matching our mission: a strategic plan to create a diverse family medicine residency. Fam Med. 2019;51(1):31-36.

DuVernay A. 13th. Accessed October 10, 2021. http://www.avaduvernay.com/13th  

Demby G; National Public Radio. Code switch: the United States’ pre-existing conditions. August 26, 2020. Accessed October 10, 2021. https://www.npr.org/2020/08/25/905846282/the-united-states-pre-existing-conditions
Lindo E. The Praxis: let’s focus on racism. January 31, 2020. Accessed October 10, 2021. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-focus-on-racism/id1495416316?i=1000464232824
New York Times. 1619. Updated June 10, 2020. Accessed October 10, 2021. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/23/podcasts/1619-podcast.html
Okulo M. Battle Cry: episode 44: Dr. Ramla Kasozi (The current state of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in graduate medical education). September 13, 2021. Accessed October 10, 2021. https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/battle-cry/episode-44-dr-ramla-kasozi-kLZ53jwbKQS/
Tiako MJN, Hardeman R. Flip the script: black medical students’ mental well-being. February 17, 2021. Accessed October 10, 2021. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/black-medical-students-mental-well-being/id1402777078?i=1000509543663