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Got a new colleague? Do these things on day one

A well-organized orientation process can help maximize physician performance and retention. Here are three ways you can help.

1. Be deliberate about social engagement of the new physician and current staff. Personally introduce the physician to others throughout the practice, have a peer or clinical supervisor grab coffee or lunch with the new physician, and assign a “buddy” to help with daily questions about the practice workflow, how to interact with the EHR, etc.

2. Help the physician get acquainted with the workspace. This includes work-station assignment and a tour of key areas of the practice, including the exam rooms so the physician can see what standard equipment is available, where additional equipment and supplies are stored, and what to do with used supplies.

3. Make emergency preparedness a priority. Introduce the new physician to any emergency plans for the practice so that if an emergency arises after orientation, the new physician will know how to respond effectively and efficiently. Topics should include location of the code cart if applicable, when to call 911, treatment of on-site anaphylaxis, how to respond to violent patients, and what to do in the event of a fire, natural disaster, or power outage.

Read the full FPM article: “A New Approach to New Physician Orientation: Six Key Components."

Posted on Jul 17, 2019 by FPM Editors


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