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Six resources for physicians who want to learn about racial equity

The COVID-19 pandemic and racial justice protests have brought new attention to long-standing race-based disparities in health outcomes. These online resources can help physicians become stronger advocates for change.

1.   The 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge: A program from Eddie Moore, PhD, that offers a template to structure learning on the subject.

2.   Peggy McIntosh’s White Privilege Papers: Groundbreaking documents that describe McIntosh’s process for identifying her own privilege.

3.   Toolkit for Teaching About Racism: A collection of materials developed by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.

4.   How to Identify, Understand, and Unlearn Implicit Bias in Patient Care: FPM article that provides a step-by-step method to identify and address bias.

5.   In Focus: Reducing Racial Disparities in Health Care by Confronting Racism: Developed by the Commonwealth Fund, this overview of specific racial disparities in health care also discusses potential solutions.

6.   Health Equity, Diversity, and Social Determinants of Health: An FPM topic collection with more articles on the subject.

Read the full FPM editorial: Racism in Health Care: Creating a More Equitable Health Care Experience

Posted on Oct 17, 2020 by FPM Editors

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