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Applications for the FMSO Grant Program are open until March 31, 2025.

Family Medicine Student Organization Grant Program

The Family Medicine Student Organization (FMSO) grant program is proud to recognize outstanding medical student organizations and clubs at osteopathic and allopathic medical schools.

The program awards funds to groups doing innovative work to grow and diversify the family medicine workforce and advance primary care. It is proudly supported by the AAFP and AAFP Foundation.


AAFP Foundation


Apply Now: Two FMSO Grant Options 

Core Grants

Core Grants are exclusive to family medicine-based groups like family medicine interest groups and chapters of the Student Association of the ACOFP. Funds support regular operations and activities such as lectures or workshops.

Core Grants are reviewed and awarded on a monthly basis.

Apply now! Final deadline is March 31, 2025.

Special Grants

Special Grants are open to all student groups. They are intended to support new efforts to promote family medicine, such as a new or revamped event, project, or program that is creative, innovative, collaborative, and/or dynamic.

Special Grants are reviewed on a rolling basis.

Apply now! Deadlines for applications are November 30, January 31, and March 31.

Learn More About the FMSO Grant Program

Who is eligible?

All student organizations are eligible to apply for FMSO special grants. Family medicine groups of any kind are also eligible for core grant funding.

**Family medicine specialty groups can qualify for both FMSO Core Grants and Special Grants.

Download Funding Options and Instructions:

What needs to be included in a grant proposal? 

Core Grant proposals consist of basic information about your family medicine group. 

Special Grant proposals should clearly demonstrate how efforts will elevate or advance family medicine locally. Creative project or event proposals are encouraged, as are proposals that may be more conventional, for example starting a new program to engage children in health care careers.

Examples of previous projects funded by special grants:

  • Naloxone training for medical students to address the opioid epidemic
  • Pathway programs to expose pre-health students to research and shadowing opportunities 
  • Event series complementary to pre-clinical curriculum covering topics like activism in family medicine, rural and indigenous health, etc. 

What are the application deadlines?

Core Grants are reviewed and awarded on a monthly basis while funds are available. Submit applications early to get access to funds quickly. Deadline for all Core Grant submissions is March 31, 2025.

Special Grants are reviewed on a rolling basis while funds are available. Deadlines for Special Grant applications are November 30, 2024; January 31, 2025; and March 31, 2025.

Funds are limited, so apply as early as possible. Applying to the grant program does not guarantee funding.

How much funding is available?

Funding levels vary depending on student group type and strength of project or initiative proposal, if pursuing extra grant support.

Family medicine specialty interest groups are eligible for up to $1,000 in grant funding. (If awarded both Core and Special Grants.)

Other student clubs are eligible for up to $500 in special grant funding.

Have questions?

Not sure if your project or organization qualifies for a grant? Please email us.

Looking for more about family medicine?

Attend Future - The National Conference for The Future of Family Medicine 

July 31 - August 2, 2025 in Kansas City

National Conference is now FUTURE — a new name to capture the energy of our family medicine residents and med students. Come to Future each summer and meet more than 400 residency programs and experience what family medicine can do.


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Learn about a career in family medicine in an informal and fun setting, and experience unique opportunities to practice a wide range of clinical skills and procedures.