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Credentials and Privileges for Family Physicians

Ensure you have the access you need to provide the full-spectrum care you were trained to practice. Find resources to support and guide you through each process.

As a family physician, you should have access to your patients in all areas of a health care facility—including specialized and critical care units. Appropriate hospital credentialing and privileging ensures your ability to provide that care. The American Academy of Family Physicians’ (AAFP) policies on  Privileging, Family Medicine, and Hospital Medical Staff Membership state that privileging should be based on training, experience, and demonstrated current competence. Find the information you need to help you obtain credentials and protect your privileges.

Privileges and credentials

How to Obtain Credentials and Privileges

Learn about document requirements and phases of securing the access you need.

Attractive female doctor in front of medical group .

FAQs about Credentials and Privileges 

Get answers to help guide you through the complexities of these processes.

Handling a Hospital Privilege Disupute

Members can access a legal opinion, tips, and support from the AAFP.

Exclusive resources

Business and Credentialing CME

Learn the fundamentals of the business of medicine, including what to know about credentials.

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Legal Opinion: Privileges

An outside legal opinion outlines the basis for making credentialing decisions on training, experience, and competence.

Download opinion