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Allergic Rhinitis: Rapid Evidence Review

Jackie Weaver-Agostoni, Zachary Kosak, Stacy Bartlett

This rapid evidence review article outlines the most current evidence for the diagnosis and treatment of allergic rhinitis.

Evaluating the Child With a Limp

Nailah Adams Morancie, Margaret R. Helton

Pain is the presenting feature in about 80% of cases of a limp in children. Characteristics of pain and other key features elicited from history can narrow the broad differential diagnosis. Radiography is the most common imaging modality in the evaluation of a limping child.

Disability Evaluations: Common Questions and Answers

Ann E. Evensen, Jeff Hartman

Family physicians are often asked to evaluate patients with disabling conditions that can impact insurance benefits, employment, and the ability to access needed accommodations. A stepwise approach is recommended to ensure a comprehensive disability evaluation that addresses...

Acute Shoulder Injuries in Adults

Lauren Meryl Simon, Van Nguyen, Ngozi Margarete Ezinwa

The initial approach to acute shoulder injuries starts with a comprehensive history to understand the mechanism of injury and a complete shoulder examination, followed by imaging when indicated. Treatment can include surgical intervention or nonsurgical management.

Dizziness: Evaluation and Management

Tyler S. Rogers, Mary Alice Noel, Benjamin Garcia

Dizziness is a common but often diagnostically difficult condition. Clinicians should focus on the timing of the events and triggers of dizziness to develop a differential diagnosis because it is difficult for patients to provide quality reports of their symptoms.

Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia: Evaluation and Treatment

Emma J. Par, Chase A. Hughes, Pierce DeRico

More than two-thirds of infants develop jaundice, the clinical manifestation of hyperbilirubinemia. Most cases are physiologic and benign. All newborns should be examined regularly, and bilirubin levels should be measured in those who appear jaundiced. Bilirubin levels...


The Power in Our Words: Reducing Bias in Clinical Communication

Megan Healy, Khameer Kidia

Starting in 2021, the 21st Century Cures Act mandated that patients have free access to their medical records. In this era of OpenNotes, we continue to uncover ways our written communication affects patient experiences, physician-patient relationships, and clinical care.

The AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Antibiotic Use in Practice

Sara Keller, Melissa A. Miller, Sara E. Cosgrove

Improving antibiotic prescribing in ambulatory care is an urgent need. Using the AHRQ Toolkit to Improve Antibiotic Use in Ambulatory Care can help practices meet their antibiotic stewardship goals.

AFP Clinical Answers

Oral Contraceptives During Breastfeeding, Hyperprolactinemia, Tonsillectomy, Anal Cancer, Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentation

Key clinical questions and their evidence-based answers directly from the journal’s content, written by and for family physicians.

Medicine by the Numbers

Baclofen for the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder

S. Tucker Price, Brandon Brown

The Cochrane review found moderate-certainty evidence to suggest that, compared with placebo, baclofen reduces the risk of relapse and increases the number of abstinent days in individuals with alcohol use disorder who have completed detoxification before treatment.

Cochrane for Clinicians

Lung Cancer–Related Mortality and the Impact of Low-Dose Computed Tomography Screening

Kristina D. Werner, John W. Epling

Low-dose computed tomography screening decreases deaths from lung cancer in people 40 years and older with an absolute risk reduction of approximately 0.4% and a number needed to screen of approximately 226 people over an average of 8.8 years of follow-up to prevent one death.

Insomnia Therapy: Listening to Music

William E. Cayley, Jr., John James

For adults with sleep problems or insomnia, listening to music at bedtime may improve sleep quality, sleep-onset latency, sleep duration, and sleep efficiency; listening to music may improve anxiety and overall quality of life.

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

Serologic Screening for Genital Herpes Infection: Clinical Summary of the USPSTF Recommendation

The USPSTF recommends against routine serologic screening for genital herpes simplex virus infection in asymptomatic adolescents and adults, including pregnant persons.

Implementing AHRQ Effective Health Care Reviews

Effectiveness of Telehealth for Women's Preventive Services

Sarah E. Stumbar, Suzanne Minor

Does telehealth allow for the effective delivery of preventive services for women, and how can it best be used to address these needs?

FPIN's Clinical Inquiries

Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage

Leila Mende, Jestine MacDonald, Dara Jolly, Jon O. Neher, Sarah Safranek

Oxytocin plus misoprostol is more effective than oxytocin alone in reducing postpartum hem-orrhage after vaginal delivery. However, this combination causes more nausea and vomiting than oxytocin alone. Tranexamic acid plus oxytocin does not significantly reduce the rate of...

Photo Quiz

Unilateral Bloody Nipple Discharge in an Older Man

Nguyet-Cam Lam, Jonathan Tran

An 84-year-old man presented with bilateral gynecomastia and nipple discharge.

Swollen and Tender Neck and Cheek

Faye Rozwadowski

A patient presented with pain and swelling in his right submandibular and cheek areas.


Cabotegravir (Apretude) for Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Type 1 Infection

Amer El-Haddad, Deborah Erlich

Cabotegravir is a safe and highly effective injectable option for at-risk cisgender female, cisgender male, and transgender female adults and adolescents to reduce the risk of HIV infection. It is more effective at preventing HIV than the other oral PrEP medications (i.e.,...

Curbside Consultation

Substance Use Disorder in Pregnancy

Ruchi M. Fitzgerald

Substance use disorders, and the associated consequences for individuals and communities, have attracted the attention of physicians, the public, and policy makers. Deaths from drug overdose have continued to rise.

Diagnostic Tests

Lumipulse G β-Amyloid Ratio Test for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease

Kyle Lau, Kenneth W. Lin

The Lumipulse G β-Amyloid Ratio test is used to assist physicians in diagnosing Alzheimer disease in older patients with cognitive impairment. In research studies, the test was reasonably accurate in predicting the presence of amyloid plaques on PET scans.


Using ACE Inhibitors and ARBs in Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease Does Not Worsen, and May Improve, Renal Outcomes

Mark H. Ebell

PCI Does Not Improve Outcomes for Patients With Ischemic Heart Disease and LVEF of Less Than 35%

Mark H. Ebell

Majority of Grade 2 Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Lesions Regress in Women 25 to 30 Years of Age

Linda Speer

ADA/EASD Updated Guidelines: Glycemic Control Is Only Part of the Management of Type 2 Diabetes

Allen F. Shaughnessy

Practice Guidelines

Antithrombotic Medication Management in GI Bleeding: Guidelines From the ACG

Michael J. Arnold

The American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) and Canadian Association of Gastroenterology conducted a systematic review to publish guidelines for managing gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding for patients who are taking antithrombotic medications.

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Diagnosis and Management Guidelines From the AACE

Michael J. Arnold

The American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (AACE) published guidelines for diagnosis and management of NAFLD, cosponsored by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.

Letters to the Editor

Harm Reduction for Patients Who Smoke

Michael Madden

Reply: Heidi Gaddey

Integrated Policy Actions for Smoking Cessation

Francisco Arsego de Oliveira, Katiane Aparecida Bezerra

Smoking Cessation in Adolescents

Payam Sazegar, Alaina N. Martinez, Matthew D. Varallo

Reply: MaryAnn Dakkak

Information from Your Family Doctor

Allergies: Controlling Your Symptoms

An allergy is when your body overreacts to a substance that does not cause problems for most people. These substances are called allergens. Some food and medicines can cause serious allergic reactions. Allergens in the air usually cause symptoms such as runny nose, watery...

Shoulder Pain

A common cause of shoulder pain is soreness of the tendon in the rotator cuff. The tendon is a cord that attaches a muscle to another body part. The rotator cuff is the part of the shoulder that helps the arm move in a circular motion. Another common cause of shoulder pain is...

What's Making Me Dizzy?

Dizziness is one of the most common reasons people visit their doctors. It may make you feel off-balance, wobbly, lightheaded, or like you might faint. Vertigo is dizziness that makes you feel like the room or objects are spinning around you. Dizziness can make it harder for...


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